Complete listing of Input01.cpp, Listing 1

/*File:  Input01.cpp
This C++ program illustrates simple standard
input from the keyboard. 

When the type of input data matches the types 
of the variables into which the data is stored,
the program runs correctly producing the 
following screen output:

Enter three values separated by spaces
1 2 3
1 2 3
Press any key to continue

However, when the type of the input data fails 
to match the types of the variables into which
the data is stored, the program fails, as shown
in the following screen output, but doesn't give
any other indication that a failure has occurred.

Enter three values separated by spaces
1 1.5 2
1 1 -858993460
Press any key to continue


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Input01{ 
  static void classMain(){
    //Instantiate an object in dynamic memory
    // and save its reference in a pointer 
    // variable.
    Input01* ptrToObject = new Input01();

    //Invoke an instance function on the object.
    ptrToObject -> doSomething();
  }//End classMain function

  //An instance function of the Input01 class
  void doSomething(){
    int first;
    int second;
    int third;

    //Display a prompt
    cout << "Enter three values separated by";
    cout << " spaces\n";

    //Get three input values.
    cin >> first >> second >> third;
    //Alternative syntax
    //cin >> first;
    //cin >> second;
    //cin >> third;

    //Display the three input values
    cout << first << " " << second << " ";
    cout << third << endl;
  }//end doSomething function
};//End Input01 class

int main(){
  return 0;
}//end main

Listing 1