
If we allow the following symbol (^) to represent exponentiation (raising to a power) and allow the following symbol (/) to represent division, then we can write the values for the factors in the earlier slide in the following ways.

(Note in particular the numbers in blue, which I will refer to later as the exponents.)

1000 = 10^+3 = 1*10*10*10
100 = 10^+2 = 1*10*10
10 = 10^+1 = 1*10
1 = 10^+0 = 1
0.1 = 10^-1 = 1/10
0.01 = 10^-2 = 1/(10*10)
0.001 = 10^-3 = 1/(10*10*10)
0.0001 = 10^-4 = 1/(10*10*10*10)
0.00001 = 10^-5 = 1/(10*10*10*10*10)

In the above notation, the term 10^+3 means 10 raised to the third power.