Listing 11, Structures03.cpp

/*File:  Structures03.cpp
This C++ program illustrates the use of a
sequence structure that executes a loop structure
as one of the action elements in the sequence.
The loop structure executes a selection structure
as one of the action elements during each
iteration of the loop.  Thus, this one program
illustrates all three of the primary structures:


The following is a typical output that appears
on the screen when the program is run:

Hello Viet Nam
Hello Iraq
Enter an even integer to quit
or an odd integer to loop: 1
Enter an even integer to quit
or an odd integer to loop: 3
Enter an even integer to quit
or an odd integer to loop: 5
Enter an even integer to quit
or an odd integer to loop: 6
I'm outta here!
Hello America
Hello World


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Structures03{ 
  static void classMain(){
    Structures03* ptrToObject = 
                              new Structures03();
    ptrToObject -> doSomething();
  }//End classMain function

  //An instance function of the Structures03
  // class that executes a selection structure.
  // The function receives an incoming parameter
  // of type int. It returns true if the incoming
  // parameter is even and false if the incoming 
  // parametr is odd.
  bool doSelection(int data){
    bool result;
    //Begin selection structure
    if(data % 2 == 0){
      result = true;
      result = false;
    }//end else
    //End selection structure
    return result;
  }//end doSelection

  //An instance function of the Structures03
  // class made up of a sequence structure
  // followed by a loop structure.  The loop
  // structure uses a selection structure
  // to decide when to quit.  The user is
  // asked to enter an integer during each
  // iteration of the loop structure.  When
  // the user enters an even integer, the
  // loop structure terminates.
  void doLoop(){
    //Begin sequence structure.
    bool quit = false;
    int temp = 0;
    //End sequence structure

    //Begin loop structure
    while(quit != true){
      cout << "Enter an even integer to quit\n" 
           << "or an odd integer to loop: ";
      cin >> temp;
      //Execute a selection structure
      quit = doSelection(temp);
    }//end while loop
    //End loop structure
    cout << "I'm outta here!" << endl;
  }//end doLoop

  //An instance function of the Structures03
  // class
  void doSomething(){

    //This function executes a sequence of
    // statements and then terminates.  One of
    // the elements in the sequence is a loop
    // structure, which is implemented
    // as a function, but could be implemented
    // as inline code just as well.
    cout << "Hello Viet Nam\n";
    cout << "Hello Iraq\n";

    //Execte the loop structure.

    cout << "Hello America\n";
    cout << "Hello World\n";

  }//end doSomething function
};//End Structures03 class

int main(){
  return 0;
}//end main

Listing 11