Listing 11. Code for the program named Alice0125a.

Alice0125a's Code

Created by: Dick Baldwin



When the world starts
Do: first method ( );


  public void my_first_method ( ) {
       // Program Alice0125a, Copyright 2007, R.G.Baldwin
  // Align objects to the world
  ground .setPointOfView( world );
  parkingMeter .setPointOfView( world );
  iceSkater .setPointOfView( world );
  // Set the camera to a known viewpoint
  camera .setPointOfView( ground );
  camera .turn( RIGHT , 135/360 revolutions );
  camera .moveAwayFrom( target = parkingMeter , amount = 10 meters );
  camera .move( UP , 1.5 meters );
  // Set skater to her starting viewpoint
  iceSkater .turn( RIGHT , 0.25 revolutions );
  iceSkater .moveAwayFrom( target = parkingMeter , amount = 2 meters );
  // Animate the skater's leg and foot
  iceSkater.leftLeg.lowerLeg .turn( FORWARD , 0.25 revolutions );
  iceSkater.leftLeg.lowerLeg.foot .turn( FORWARD , 0.12 revolutions );