Listing 3. Source code listing for the act1Scene1Setup method.

Penguins02's Code

Created by: Dick Baldwin



  public void act1Scene1Setup ( ) {
       // Cause 3D text to fade into view
  TextPenguins02 .set( opacity , 1 (100%) ); duration = 1.5 seconds
  wait( 1.5 seconds );
  doTogether {
       // Cause 3D text to fade from view while the ground
  // and penguins fade into view
  TextPenguins02 .set( opacity , 0 (0%) ); duration = 2 seconds
  ground .set( opacity , 1 (100%) ); duration = 2 seconds
  papa .set( opacity , 1 (100%) ); duration = 2 seconds
  mama .set( opacity , 1 (100%) ); duration = 2 seconds
  baby .set( opacity , 1 (100%) ); duration = 2 seconds
  // Make this 3D text disappear for remainder of program
  TextPenguins02 .set( isShowing , false ); duration = 0 seconds