Listing 4. Source code for the act1Scene1Action method.

Penguins02's Code

Created by: Dick Baldwin



  public void act1Scene1Action ( ) {
    Number maxCnt = 0 ;
       print( act1Scene1Action );
  // Each of the penguins will be wandering aimlessly.
  // Since all three penguins will be doing the same thing,
  // it would be better to put this behavior in a separate
  // method. However, that would require passing parameters
  // which we haven't studied yet, so I will write this as
  // in-line code.
  doTogether {
       // Cause papa to wander aimlessly
  doInOrder {
       // Insert random delay to avoid penguins walking in lockstep
  wait( ( Random.nextDouble() minimum = 0 maximum = 0.5 ) );
  // Use a random value for the number of iterations
  maxCnt .set( value , ( Random.nextDouble() minimum = 3 maximum = 10 ) );
  for (int index=0; index< maxCnt times ; index++) {
       if ( ( Random.nextBoolean() ) ) {
       papa .turn( LEFT , 0.2 revolutions );
  papa.walking ( x = 0.25 );
  } else {
    papa .turn( RIGHT , 0.3 revolutions );
  papa.walking ( x = 0.75 );
  // Cause mama to wander aimlessly
  doInOrder {
       wait( ( Random.nextDouble() minimum = 0 maximum = 0.5 ) );
  maxCnt .set( value , ( Random.nextDouble() minimum = 3 maximum = 10 ) );
  for (int index=0; index< maxCnt times ; index++) {
       if ( ( Random.nextBoolean() ) ) {
       mama .turn( RIGHT , 0.4 revolutions );
  mama.walking ( x = 0.5 );
  } else {
    mama .turn( LEFT , 0.2 revolutions );
  mama.walking ( x = 0.2 );
  // Cause baby to wander aimlessly
  doInOrder {
       wait( ( Random.nextDouble() minimum = 0 maximum = 0.5 ) );
  maxCnt .set( value , ( Random.nextDouble() minimum = 3 maximum = 10 ) );
  for (int index=0; index< maxCnt times ; index++) {
       if ( ( Random.nextBoolean() ) ) {
       baby .turn( LEFT , .2 revolutions );
  baby.walking ( x = 0.6 );
  } else {
    baby .turn( RIGHT , .3 revolutions );
  baby.walking ( x = 0.2 );
  // Play sound and make the hole appear
  hole .playSound( world.thud2 (0:00.444) );
  hole .set( opacity , 1 (100%) ); duration = 0 seconds
  doTogether {
       // All eyes turn to face the hole
  papa .turnToFace( hole );
  mama .turnToFace( hole );
  baby .turnToFace( hole );