The program named Alice0135a

Display Listing 1.

This program demonstrates the use of several primitive functions.

Listing 1. Source code for the program named Alice0135a.
  public void main ( ) {
       // Copyright 2007 R.G.Baldwin
  // Program demonstrates the use of value-returning functions.
  doInOrder {
       // Coach reports his current width.
  // Show various stages of construction of statement.
  doInOrder {
       // Begin constructing the statement.
  coach .say( My width is );
  // Drag in world's (a+b) function.
  coach .say( ( My width is + dummy ) );
  // Drag in world's what.toString() function.
  coach .say( ( My width is + ( coach .toString() ) ) );
  // Drag in coach.getWidth() function.
  // and set duration property.
  coach .say( ( My width is + ( ( subject = coach .getWidth() ) .toString() ) ) ); duration = 5 seconds
  // Coach raises both arms and reports new width.
  doInOrder { . . }
       doTogether {
       coach.upperBody.leftArm .roll( RIGHT , 0.25 revolutions );
  coach.upperBody.rightArm .roll( LEFT , 0.25 revolutions );
  coach .say( ( Now my width is + ( ( subject = coach .getWidth() ) .toString() ) ) ); duration = 5 seconds