Listing 2. Source code for the program named Alice0165b.

Alice0165b's Code

Created by: Dick Baldwin



  public void main ( ) {
    Boolean testResult = true ; Number userInputValue = 1 ;
       // Copyright 2007, R.G.Baldwin
  // Illustrates use of a "while" loop.
  // Program loops for as long as user keeps entering
  // even integers. Terminates on odd integer.
  // Perform a priming read.
  doInOrder { . . . . . }
       // Get user input.
  userInputValue .set( value , ( NumberDialog( question = Enter an integer. ) ) );
  // Compute remainder after dividing by 2 and return true
  // if remainder is equal to 0
  testResult .set( value , ( ( Math.IEEERemainder( userInputValue , 2 ) ) == 0 ) );
  // Execute a "while" loop.
  while ( testResult ) { . . . . }
       // Execute this code when testResult is true.
  penguin .say( Even, keep on looping. ); duration = 2 seconds
  // Update value of testResult.
  doInOrder { . . }
       userInputValue .set( value , ( NumberDialog( question = Enter an integer. ) ) );
  testResult .set( value , ( ( Math.IEEERemainder( userInputValue , 2 ) ) == 0 ) );
  // Execute this code when testResult is false.
  doTogether { . . . . }
       // Penguin speaks, turns, and walks away.
  penguin .say( Odd, I'm outa here. ); duration = 20 seconds
  penguin .turn( RIGHT , .375 revolutions );
  penguin.walking ( x = 100 );