The show Method and the PictureFrame Class

Learn how the show() method of the Picture class causes the image contained in a Picture object to be displayed on the screen in a JFrame object.  Also learn about the PictureFrame class, which serves as an intermediary between the Picture object and the JFrame object.

Published:  March 18, 2009
By Richard G. Baldwin

Java Programming Notes # 356



This lesson is the next in a series (see Resources) designed to teach you how to write Java programs to do things like:

If you have ever wondered how to do these things, you've come to the right place.

What you have learned so far

If you have studied all of the earlier lessons in this series (see Resources), you have learned about the Turtle class, its superclass named SimpleTurtle, and the classes from which a turtle's contained objects are instantiated (Pen and PathSegment).  You have learned how to instantiate new Turtle objects, placing them in either a World object or a Picture object.  You have learned how to manipulate the Turtle objects once you place them in their environment.  You have also learned about the World class and objects of that class.

Methods of the DigitalPicture interface

In the previous lesson titled The DigitalPicture Interface:  Multimedia Programming with Java (see Resources), you learned about the thirteen methods of the Picture class and its superclass named SimplePicture that are declared in the DigitalPicture interface.  You also learned about other methods of the SimplePicture class that are called by those thirteen methods.

SimplePicture is a large and complex class

The SimplePicture class is a large and complex class that defines almost forty methods and several constructors.  You have some distance to go before you will understand all of the methods and constructors that are defined in the SimplePicture class.

Dispose of the easy methods and constructors

Before getting into the main thrust of this lesson, I am going to dispose of some of the constructors and methods of the SimplePicture class that should be easy for you to understand without an explanation from me.

The following is a list of constructors and methods which do not contain complicated code, and which you should have no difficulty understanding if you understood the explanations of constructors and methods in the previous lesson (see Resources).  Because of their simplicity, I won't bore you by providing a detailed explanation.  You can view the source code for all of these constructors and methods in Listing 13 near the end of the lesson.

Methods that I probably will explain later

Click here for a list of constructors and methods of the SimplePicture class that are sufficiently interesting or complicated that I will probably explain them in detail in future lessons.

What you will learn in this lesson

Two of the most frequently used methods of the SimplePicture class are the methods named show and explore.  These two methods are used to display Picture objects in the formats shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively.

Figure 1. Output format from the show method.

Figure 2. Output format from the explore method.

In this lesson, you will learn about the show method of the Picture class, along with a related class named PictureFrame, (which you must understand before you can fully understand the show method).

A sample program

I will also present and explain a sample program that illustrates one way to take a photograph of a physical object and then superimpose it on another photograph.  I confess that this doesn't have a much to do with the show method.  However, I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to provide another interesting example of image manipulation using Ericson's multimedia library.

The explore method

You will learn about the explore method, along with a related class named PictureExplorer, (which you must understand before you can understand the explore method), in a future lesson.

Source code listings

A complete listing of Ericson's Picture class is provided in Listing 12 near the end of the lesson, and a listing of Ericson's SimplePicture class is provided in Listing 13.  A listing of Ericson's DigitalPicture interface is provided in Listing 14, and a listing of Ericson's PictureFrame class is provided in Listing 15.  A listing of the sample program named Java356a is provided in Listing 16.

Viewing tip

I recommend that you open another copy of this document in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the figures and listings while you are reading about them.



Supplementary material

I recommend that you also study the other lessons in my extensive collection of online programming tutorials.  You will find a consolidated index at

General background information

A multimedia class library

In this series of lessons, I will present and explain many of the classes and methods in a multimedia class library that was developed and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License (see Resources) by Mark Guzdial and Barbara Ericson at Georgia Institute of Technology.  In doing this, I will also present some interesting sample programs that use the library.

Software installation and testing

I explained how to download, install, and test the multimedia class library in an earlier lesson titled Multimedia Programming with Java, Getting Started (see Resources).


As I mentioned earlier, I will explain the show method of the Picture class in this lesson.  In addition, I will explain the methods of a related class named PictureFrame, which you must understand before you can fully understand the show method.

A sample program

As mentioned earlier, I will also present and explain a sample program that illustrates one way to take a photograph of a physical object and then superimpose it on another photograph.

Reducing the confusion

Because I will be switching back and forth among code fragments extracted from Ericson's SimplePicture class, code fragments extracted from Ericson's PictureFrame class, and code fragments extracted from my sample program, things can get confusing.

In an effort to reduce the confusion, I will present code fragments from Ericson's SimplePicture class against the background color shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. Background color for the SimplePicture class.
I will present code fragments from the SimplePicture class
against this background color.

Similarly, I will present code fragments from Ericson's PictureFrame class against the background color shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2. Background color for the PictureFrame class.
I will present code fragments from the PictureFrame class
against this background color.

Finally, I will present code fragments from my sample program against the background color shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Background color for Baldwin's code.
I will present code fragments from my sample programs
with this background color.


Discussion and sample code

The sample program named Java356a

The purpose of this program is to illustrate one way to take a digital photograph of a physical object and then superimpose it on another digital photograph.

The physical setup

A desk chair was placed in front of a bookcase and a blue bed sheet was hung on the bookcase to provide a relatively solid color background.  A green towel was placed on the chair to hide the texture in the upholstery.  The lighting consisted of ambient room light, a fluorescent desk lamp tilted upward to shine directly on the chair and the tiger, and the light emitted by the dual screens on my computer.

A digital photograph of the chair was taken, using the camera that is built into my laptop computer, producing the image shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Picture of the chair covered by a towel.

Now add the tiger

Then a stuffed tiger was placed on the back of the chair (being careful to avoid moving the chair) and another digital photograph was taken, producing the image shown in Figure 4.  (I just now realized that it might have worked better to also cover the chair with the sheet instead of covering it with a towel of a different color.)

Figure 4. Picture of the tiger on the chair.

Note the shadow of the tiger on the blue background just to the right of the tiger's head.  This will become important later.

Instantiate four Picture objects

Picture objects were instantiated from each of the digital photographs described above.  Another Picture object was instantiated from an image file (taken from Ericson's media library) showing a beach scene.  This image has the same dimensions as each of the two digital photographs.  The beach scene is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The beach scene.

An all-white Picture object

The overall objective was to process the images in such a way as to superimpose the tiger on the beach scene. 

A fourth Picture object was instantiated with the same dimensions and an all-white image to accommodate this objective.  This Picture object was used to produce the final image shown in Figure 4.

Color distance
I explained the concept of color distance in the earlier lesson titled 3D Displays, Color Distance, and Edge Detection:  Multimedia Programming with Java (see Resources).

Process the images

Methods of the SimplePicture class and the Pixel class were used in a pair of nested for loops to compute the color distance between corresponding pixels in the two photographs and to compare that distance to a specified distance threshold.

When the color distance between two corresponding pixels, (one from each photograph), exceeded a specified threshold, the color of the pixel from the Picture object containing the tiger was copied to the all-white Picture object, replacing a white pixel.

Otherwise, the color of the pixel from the Picture object containing the beach scene was copied to the all-white Picture object.  This had the effect of replacing the bed sheet and towel background behind the tiger with the image from the beach scene as a new background .

The final product

The final product is shown in Figure 6.  As you can see, the results were reasonably good.

Figure 6. The tiger superimposed on the beach scene.

The idea and some of the methodology for this program came directly from the book titled Introduction to Computing and Programming with Java: A Multimedia Approach (see Resources) by Guzdial and Ericson.

Factors that affect  the quality

The quality of the final product depends heavily on the value of the threshold mentioned above. 

Lighting is also very critical.  I make no claims of being a photographer and I didn't do anything special to control the lighting.  As a result, the shadow of the tiger that was barely noticeable on the dark blue bed sheet in Figure 4 is very noticeable against the light blue background in the final product shown in Figure 6.

Enough talk, let's see some code

A complete listing of this program is provided in Listing 16 near the end of the lesson.  As is my custom, I will present and explain this program in fragments.  The program begins in Listing 4.  (Remember, the background color in Listing 4 indicates that the code fragment was extracted from my sample program.)

Listing 4. Beginning of the program named Java356a.
import java.awt.Color;
public class Main{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    new Runner().run();
  }//end main method
}//end class Main

The main method in Listing 4 instantiates a new object of the Runner class and calls the run method on the object.  When the run method returns, the main method and the program terminate.

Beginning of the Runner class and the run method

The runner class and its run method begin in Listing 5.

Listing 5. Beginning of the Runner class and the run method.
class Runner{
  void run(){
    //Construct three new 341x256 Picture objects by
    // providing the names of image files as parameters
    // to the Picture constructor.
    Picture pic1 = new Picture("ScaledBeach.jpg");
    Picture pic2 = new Picture("WithTiger.jpg");
    Picture pic3 = new Picture("WithoutTiger.jpg");
    //Construct an all-white 341x256 Picture object.
    Picture pic4 = new Picture(341,256);
    //Display all three Picture objects in the show
    // format.;;;

None of the code in Listing 5 should be new to you by now.  The last three statements in Listing 5 call the show method of the Picture class to provide screen displays in the format shown in Figure 3.  (I will have a great deal more to say about the show method later in this lesson.)

The remainder of the program code

The remainder of the program code is shown in Listing 6.

Listing 6. The remainder of the program code for the program named Java356a.
    //Replace pixel colors in the all-white Picture object
    // with the colors from either the beach image or the 
    // tiger image.
    Pixel pixA;
    Pixel pixB;
    Pixel pixC;
    Pixel pixD;
    for(int row = 0;row < pic1.getHeight() - 1;row++){
      for(int col = 0;col < pic1.getWidth() - 1;col++){
        pixA = pic1.getPixel(col,row);
        pixB = pic2.getPixel(col,row);
        pixC = pic3.getPixel(col,row);
        pixD = pic4.getPixel(col,row);

        if(pixB.colorDistance(pixC.getColor()) > 50){
          //Replace white pixel with the pixel color from 
          // the tiger image.
          //Replace the white pixel with pixel color from 
          // the beach image.
        }//end else
      }//end inner for loop
    }//end outer for loop

    //Display the final product using the show format.
    pic4.setTitle("Tiger on beach scene");;
  }//end run
}//end class Runner

None of this code is new

Once again, none of the code in Listing 6 should be new to you by now.  The code in Listing 6 compares corresponding pixels from the two digital pictures and modifies the colors of the pixels in the all-white pic4 as described earlier.

Then Listing 6 sets the title for pic4 to that shown in Figure 6 and calls the show method on pic4 producing the screen output shown in Figure 6.  (You may not want to go swimming on that beach with a tiger on the loose.)

The show method of the SimplePicture class

The show method is shown in its entirety in Listing 7.  (Remember, the background color in Listing 7 indicates that the code fragment was extracted from Ericson's SimplePicture class.)

Listing 7. The show method of the SimplePicture class.
  * Method to show the picture in a picture frame
 public void show(){
    // if there is a current picture frame then use it
   if (pictureFrame != null)

   // else create a new picture frame with this picture
     pictureFrame = new PictureFrame(this);
 }//end show method

Instantiating objects of the PictureFrame class

There are only two locations in the SimplePicture class where a new object of the PictureFrame class is instantiated.  One of those locations is in the show method shown in Listing 7.  The other location is in the repaint method.  Therefore, there is a strong possibility that the contents of the variable named pictureFrame will be null (indicating there is no existing PictureFrame object) the first time that the show method is called.

Listing 7 begins by checking to see if the instance variable named pictureFrame contains null.  If so a new PictureFrame object that encapsulates a reference to the current SimplePicture object is instantiated and its reference is assigned to the instance variable named pictureFrame.

The PictureFrame class

That brings us to the need to understand the class named PictureFrame.  I will begin by walking you through the code that is executed for the case where the show method is called and there is no existing PictureFrame object assigned to the variable named pictureFrame.  Then I will come back and walk you through the code that is executed if the PictureFrame object already exists when the show method is called.

Instance variables of the PictureFrame class

Before getting into that, however, I will list and briefly describe the instance variables belonging to objects of the PictureFrame class.  I will be referring back to these instance variables later.

A new JFrame object

Note that when a new PictureFrame object is constructed, a new JFrame object is also constructed and its reference is stored in the instance variable named frame.  This JFrame object provides the visual container in which the Picture object's image is displayed.

A complete listing of the PictureFrame class is provided in Listing 15 near the end of the lesson.

Case with no existing PictureFrame object

When the show method in Listing 7 is called and the pictureFrame variable contains null, the PictureFrame constructor shown in Listing 8 is called to construct a new PictureFrame object.  (Remember, the background color in Listing 8 indicates that the code fragment was extracted from the PictureFrame class.)

Listing 8. One of two overloaded constructors for the PictureFrame class.
   * A constructor that takes a picture to display
   * @param picture  the digital picture to display in the
   * picture frame
  public PictureFrame(DigitalPicture picture){
    // set the current object's picture to the passed in
    // picture
    this.picture = picture;

    // set up the frame
  }//end constructor

This constructor saves the incoming reference to the SimplePicture object in an instance variable named picture(Recall that the SimplePicture class implements the DigitalPicture interface.)

Then the constructor calls the method named initFrame (see Listing 9) on the new PictureFrame object that is being constructed.

The initFrame method of the PictureFrame class

The initFrame method is shown in its entirety in Listing 9.

Listing 9. The initFrame method of the PictureFrame class.
   * A method to initialize the picture frame
  private void initFrame(){
    // set the image for the picture frame

    // add the label to the frame

    // pack the frame (set the size to as big as it needs
    // to be)

    // make the frame visible
  }//end initFrame method

The initFrame method immediately calls the updateImage method shown in Listing 10.  (I will put the explanation of the initFrame method on the back burner for now and return to it later.)

The updateImage method of the PictureFrame class

Code in the updateImage method is executed only if a reference to a Picture object is stored in the instance variable named picture.

Listing 10. The updateImage method of the PictureFrame class.
   * A method to update the picture frame image with the
   * image in the picture
  public void updateImage(){
    // only do this if there is a picture
    if (picture != null){
      // set the image for the image icon from the picture

      // set the title of the frame to the title of the
      // picture
    }//end if
  }//end updateImage method

An ImageIcon object

As you saw earlier in the list of instance variables, a new object of the ImageIcon class is instantiated when a new object of the PictureFrame class is constructed.  The object's reference is stored in the instance variable named imageIcon.

Get the image from the Picture object

Listing 10 calls the getImage method on the reference to the Picture object to get a reference to the BufferedImage object that belongs to the Picture object.  (The getImage method contains a single line of code that returns the value of an instance variable named bufferedImage so I won't show that code here.)

Set the image in the ImageIcon object

Then Listing 10 calls the setImage method on the ImageIcon object to "Set the image displayed by the icon," passing the reference to the Picture object's image as a parameter.

At this point, an ImageIcon object has been instantiated that holds a reference to the BufferedImage object that belongs to the Picture object.  Whenever the ImageIcon object is displayed, the image belonging to the Picture object will also be displayed.

Because the ImageIcon object and the Picture object refer to the same BufferedImage object, modifications to the pixels in the Picture object's image will be reflected on the screen the next time the ImageIcon object is displayed.

Set the title on the JFrame object

Then Listing 10 gets a reference to the Picture object's title, and calls the setTitle method on the JFrame object, causing the JFrame object and the Picture object to both refer to the same String object as a title.

Modifications to the Picture object's image or title

If the BufferedImage or the String title belonging to the Picture object is modified and then the PictureFrame object's updateImage method is called, the image referred to by the ImageIcon object and the title referred to by the JFrame object will reflect the changes.

That's a wrap on the updateImage method

That concludes the explanation of the updateImage method shown in Listing 10.  Now we will return to the explanation of the initFrame method shown in Listing 9.

A new JLabel object

As you saw earlier in the list of instance variables, whenever a new PictureFrame object is constructed, a new object of the JLabel class is instantiated and its reference is stored in the instance variable named label.  Furthermore, a reference to the ImageIcon object is passed to the constructor when the JLabel object is instantiated.

Partial description of a JLabel from Sun

Figure 7 contains a partial description of the JLabel class from the Sun documentation.

Figure 7. Partial description of a JLabel from Sun.
A JLabel object can display either text, an image, or both...

By default, labels are vertically centered in their display area. Text-only labels are leading edge aligned, by default; image-only labels are horizontally centered, by default.

Instantiate a JLabel object with an ImageIcon object's reference

If you instantiate a new JLabel object, passing only a reference to an ImageIcon object as a parameter to the constructor, this will create "a JLabel instance with the specified image. The label is centered vertically and horizontally in its display area."

Where is this all going?

By now, you should be starting to see where this is all going.  The objective is to display the image belonging to the Picture object in a JFrame object.  One way to do this is by encapsulating a reference to the image in a JLabel object and placing the JLabel object in the center of the JFrame object.

Only two types of encapsulated references are allowed

However, only two types of object references can be encapsulated in a JLabel object:

There is no constructor for a JLabel object that will accept a reference to a BufferedImage object as a parameter.

Therefore, in order to cause a reference to the Picture object's BufferedImage to be encapsulated in the JLabel object, we must first encapsulate the BufferedImage object's reference in an ImageIcon object and then encapsulate that object in the JLabel object.

The content pane
If you are unfamiliar with the content pane, see the lesson titled Swing from A to Z, Some Simple Components in Resources.

Add the JLabel object to the content pane

When the call to the updateImage method returns, the code in Listing 9 adds the JLabel object to the content pane of the JFrame object.

Pack the JFrame object

Then Listing 9 calls the pack method on the JFrame object to set the size of the JFrame object. 

Pluggable Look and Feel
If you are unfamiliar with Swing's Pluggable Look and Feel, see the lesson titled The Swing Package, A Preview of Pluggable Look and Feel in Resources.

What does the pack method do?

To make a long story short, the call to the pack method causes the size of the display area of the JFrame object (see Figure 1) to match the size of the picture's BufferedImage object.  The overall size of the resulting JFrame object will be somewhat larger (depending on the pluggable look and feel in use) due to the border around the image and the banner at the top.

Make the JFrame object visible 

Finally, the code in Listing 9 sets the visible property belonging to the JFrame object to true.  This causes the JFrame object, along with all of the components (including the JLabel object and the ImageIcon object) contained within the JFrame object to become visible on the computer screen.

When the ImageIcon object becomes visible, it is really the Picture object's BufferedImage object, whose reference is held by the ImageIcon object, that becomes visible inside the JFrame object.  (See Figure 1.)

Case with an existing PictureFrame object

Please return your attention to the if-else statement in the show method in Listing 7.  If a PictureFrame object already exists, the show method calls the updateImageAndShowIt method on the PictureFrame object.

The updateImageAndShowIt method of the PictureFrame class

This method is shown in its entirety in Listing 11.

Listing 11. The updateImageAndShowIt method of the PictureFrame class.
   * A method to update the picture frame image with the
   * image in the picture and show it
  public void updateImageAndShowIt(){
    // first update the image

    // now make sure it is shown
  }//end updateImageAndShowIt method

Listing 11 begins by calling the updateImage method that I explained in conjunction with Listing 10.  As I explained at that time, if the BufferedImage pixels or the String title text belonging to the Picture object have been modified, the call to the updateImage method will cause those changes to be reflected in a subsequent screen display of the Picture object.

Display the updated picture

Then Listing 11 calls the setVisible method on the JFrame object, forcing the object to repaint itself (and all of its children) on the screen.  The new screen image will reflect any changes that may have been made to the pixels in the image or the text in the title.

Return of the show method

When the setVisible method returns, the updateImageAndShowIt method terminates, returning control to the show method in Listing 7.

The show method has nothing else to do, so it terminates and returns control to the code from which it was originally called, such as the code in Listing 6 for example.

The Picture object will have been displayed

When the show method terminates, the Picture object on which it was called will have been displayed in a JFrame object as shown in Figure 6.

If the show method is called on more than one Picture object, the resulting images will overlay one another in the upper-left corner of the screen.

That concludes the explanation of the show method of the Picture class.

More methods of the PictureFrame class

The PictureFrame class provides several other methods that could prove to be useful in more complex programs.  The signatures and the behaviors of each of those methods are described below:

The PictureFrame class also provides a constructor that takes no parameters.

None of the code is complicated

Neither the constructor nor any of the methods in the above list contain complicated code.  If you understood the earlier explanations of the initFrame and updateImage methods, you should have no difficulty understand the code in the additional constructor and methods.  You can view the code for the constructor and the methods in Listing 15 near the end of the lesson.

Therefore, that also concludes the explanation of the PictureFrame class.

Run the programs

I encourage you to copy the code from Listing 16, compile the code, and execute it.  Experiment with the code, making changes, and observing the results of your changes.  Make certain that you can explain why your changes behave as they do.


In this lesson, I explained the show method of the Picture class that causes the image contained in a Picture object to be displayed on the screen in a JFrame object as shown in Figure 1.

Along the way, I also explained the PictureFrame class, which serves as an intermediary between the Picture object and the JFrame object.

What's next?

In the next lesson, you will learn how to use three different methods, which in turn use affine transforms, to scale, rotate, and translate Picture objects.

I will explain and illustrate the following three methods and one overloaded constructor from the SimplePicture class:

The first two methods in the above list involve the application of affine transforms to Picture objects.

I will also develop and explain two additional methods that are patterned after the scale method.  These two methods apply rotation and translation transforms to Picture objects.


Complete program listings

Complete listings of the programs discussed in this lesson are provided in Listing 12 through Listing 16 below.

Listing 12 . Source code for Ericson's Picture class.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.text.*;

 * A class that represents a picture.  This class inherits
 * from SimplePicture and allows the student to add 
 * functionality to the Picture class.
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004-2005
 * @author Barbara Ericson
public class Picture extends SimplePicture
  ///////////////////// constructors /////////////////////

   * Constructor that takes no arguments
  public Picture ()
    /* not needed but use it to show students the implicit
     * call to super()
     * child constructors always call a parent constructor

   * Constructor that takes a file name and creates the 
   * picture
   * @param fileName the name of the file to create the 
   * picture from
  public Picture(String fileName)
    // let the parent class handle this fileName

   * Constructor that takes the width and height
   * @param width the width of the desired picture
   * @param height the height of the desired picture
  public Picture(int width, int height)
    // let the parent class handle this width and height

   * Constructor that takes a picture and creates a
   * copy of that picture
  public Picture(Picture copyPicture)
    // let the parent class do the copy

   * Constructor that takes a buffered image
   * @param image the buffered image to use
  public Picture(BufferedImage image)

  ////////////////////// methods /////////////////////////

   * Method to return a string with information about this
   * picture.
   * @return a string with information about the picture 
   * such as fileName, height and width.
  public String toString()
    String output = 
      "Picture, filename " + getFileName() +
      " height " + getHeight()
      + " width " + getWidth();
    return output;


} // this } is the end of class Picture, put all new 
  // methods before this


Listing 13. Source code for Ericson's SimplePicture class.
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;

 * A class that represents a simple picture.  A simple
 * picture may have an associated file name and a title.
 * A simple picture has pixels, width, and height.  A
 * simple picture uses a BufferedImage to hold the pixels.
 * You can show a simple picture in a PictureFrame (a
 * JFrame).
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
 * @author Barb Ericson
public class SimplePicture implements DigitalPicture

  /////////////////////// Fields /////////////////////////

   * the file name associated with the simple picture
  private String fileName;

   * the title of the simple picture
  private String title;

   * buffered image to hold pixels for the simple picture
  private BufferedImage bufferedImage;

   * frame used to display the simple picture
  private PictureFrame pictureFrame;

   * extension for this file (jpg or bmp)
  private String extension;

 /////////////////////// Constructors ////////////////////

  * A Constructor that takes no arguments.  All fields
  * will be null. A no-argument constructor must be given
  * in order for a class to be able to be subclassed.  By
  * default all subclasses will implicitly call this in
  * their parent's no argument constructor unless a
  * different call to super() is explicitly made as the
  * first line of code in a constructor.
 public SimplePicture()

  * A Constructor that takes a file name and uses the
  * file to create a picture
  * @param fileName the file name to use in creating the
  * picture
 public SimplePicture(String fileName)

   // load the picture into the buffered image


  * A constructor that takes the width and height desired
  * for a picture and creates a buffered image of that
  * size.  This constructor doesn't  show the picture.
  * @param width the desired width
  * @param height the desired height
 public  SimplePicture(int width, int height)
   bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(
               width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
   title = "None";
   fileName = "None";
   extension = "jpg";

  * A constructor that takes the width and height desired
  * for a picture and creates a buffered image of that
  * size.  It also takes the color to use for the
  * background of the picture.
  * @param width the desired width
  * @param height the desired height
  * @param theColor the background color for the picture
 public  SimplePicture(
                    int width, int height, Color theColor)

  * A Constructor that takes a picture to copy
  * information from
  * @param copyPicture the picture to copy from
 public SimplePicture(SimplePicture copyPicture)
   if (copyPicture.fileName != null)
      this.fileName = new String(copyPicture.fileName);
      this.extension = copyPicture.extension;
   if (copyPicture.title != null)
      this.title = new String(copyPicture.title);
   if (copyPicture.bufferedImage != null)
     this.bufferedImage =
                 new BufferedImage(copyPicture.getWidth(),

  * A constructor that takes a buffered image
  * @param image the buffered image
 public SimplePicture(BufferedImage image)
   this.bufferedImage = image;
   title = "None";
   fileName = "None";
   extension = "jpg";

 ////////////////////////// Methods //////////////////////

  * Method to get the extension for this picture
  * @return the extendsion (jpg or bmp)
 public String getExtension() { return extension; }

  * Method that will copy all of the passed source
  * picture into the current picture object
  * @param sourcePicture  the picture object to copy
 public void copyPicture(SimplePicture sourcePicture)
   Pixel sourcePixel = null;
   Pixel targetPixel = null;

   // loop through the columns
   for (int sourceX = 0, targetX = 0;
        sourceX < sourcePicture.getWidth() &&
        targetX < this.getWidth();
        sourceX++, targetX++)
     // loop through the rows
     for (int sourceY = 0, targetY = 0;
          sourceY < sourcePicture.getHeight() &&
          targetY < this.getHeight();
          sourceY++, targetY++)
       sourcePixel =
       targetPixel = this.getPixel(targetX,targetY);


  * Method to set the color in the picture to the passed
  * color
  * @param color the color to set to
 public void setAllPixelsToAColor(Color color)
   // loop through all x
   for (int x = 0; x < this.getWidth(); x++)
     // loop through all y
     for (int y = 0; y < this.getHeight(); y++)

  * Method to get the buffered image
  * @return the buffered image
 public BufferedImage getBufferedImage()
    return bufferedImage;

  * Method to get a graphics object for this picture to
  * use to draw on
  * @return a graphics object to use for drawing
 public Graphics getGraphics()
   return bufferedImage.getGraphics();

  * Method to get a Graphics2D object for this picture
  * which can be used to do 2D drawing on the picture
 public Graphics2D createGraphics()
   return bufferedImage.createGraphics();

  * Method to get the file name associated with the
  * picture
  * @return  the file name associated with the picture
 public String getFileName() { return fileName; }

  * Method to set the file name
  * @param name the full pathname of the file
 public void setFileName(String name)
   fileName = name;

  * Method to get the title of the picture
  * @return the title of the picture
 public String getTitle()
 { return title; }

  * Method to set the title for the picture
  * @param title the title to use for the picture
 public void setTitle(String title)
   this.title = title;
   if (pictureFrame != null)

  * Method to get the width of the picture in pixels
  * @return the width of the picture in pixels
 public int getWidth(){ return bufferedImage.getWidth(); }

  * Method to get the height of the picture in pixels
  * @return  the height of the picture in pixels
 public int getHeight(){
  return bufferedImage.getHeight();

  * Method to get the picture frame for the picture
  * @return the picture frame associated with this
  * picture (it may be null)
 public PictureFrame getPictureFrame()
                                  { return pictureFrame; }

  * Method to set the picture frame for this picture
  * @param pictureFrame the picture frame to use
 public void setPictureFrame(PictureFrame pictureFrame)
   // set this picture objects' picture frame to the
   // passed one
   this.pictureFrame = pictureFrame;

  * Method to get an image from the picture
  * @return  the buffered image since it is an image
 public Image getImage()
   return bufferedImage;

  * Method to return the pixel value as an int for the
  * given x and y location
  * @param x the x coordinate of the pixel
  * @param y the y coordinate of the pixel
  * @return the pixel value as an integer (alpha, red,
  * green, blue)
 public int getBasicPixel(int x, int y)
    return bufferedImage.getRGB(x,y);

  * Method to set the value of a pixel in the picture
  * from an int
  * @param x the x coordinate of the pixel
  * @param y the y coordinate of the pixel
  * @param rgb the new rgb value of the pixel (alpha, red,
  * green, blue)
 public void setBasicPixel(int x, int y, int rgb)

  * Method to get a pixel object for the given x and y
  * location
  * @param x  the x location of the pixel in the picture
  * @param y  the y location of the pixel in the picture
  * @return a Pixel object for this location
 public Pixel getPixel(int x, int y)
   // create the pixel object for this picture and the
   // given x and y location
   Pixel pixel = new Pixel(this,x,y);
   return pixel;

  * Method to get a one-dimensional array of Pixels for
  * this simple picture
  * @return a one-dimensional array of Pixel objects
  * starting with y=0
  * to y=height-1 and x=0 to x=width-1.
 public Pixel[] getPixels()
   int width = getWidth();
   int height = getHeight();
   Pixel[] pixelArray = new Pixel[width * height];

   // loop through height rows from top to bottom
   for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
     for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
       pixelArray[row * width + col] =
                                  new Pixel(this,col,row);

   return pixelArray;

  * Method to load the buffered image with the passed
  * image
  * @param image  the image to use
 public void load(Image image)
   // get a graphics context to use to draw on the
   // buffered image
   Graphics2D graphics2d = bufferedImage.createGraphics();

   // draw the image on the buffered image starting
   // at 0,0

   // show the new image

  * Method to show the picture in a picture frame
 public void show()
    // if there is a current picture frame then use it
   if (pictureFrame != null)

   // else create a new picture frame with this picture
     pictureFrame = new PictureFrame(this);

  * Method to hide the picture
 public void hide()
   if (pictureFrame != null)

  * Method to make this picture visible or not
  * @param flag true if you want it visible else false
 public void setVisible(boolean flag)
   if (flag);

  * Method to open a picture explorer on a copy of this
  * simple picture
 public void explore()
   // create a copy of the current picture and explore it
   new PictureExplorer(new SimplePicture(this));

  * Method to force the picture to redraw itself.  This is
  * very useful after you have changed the pixels in a
  * picture.
 public void repaint()
   // if there is a picture frame tell it to repaint
   if (pictureFrame != null)

   // else create a new picture frame
     pictureFrame = new PictureFrame(this);

  * Method to load the picture from the passed file name
  * @param fileName the file name to use to load the
  * picture from
 public void loadOrFail(
                       String fileName) throws IOException
    // set the current picture's file name
   this.fileName = fileName;

   // set the extension
   int posDot = fileName.indexOf('.');
   if (posDot >= 0)
     this.extension = fileName.substring(posDot + 1);

   // if the current title is null use the file name
   if (title == null)
     title = fileName;

   File file = new File(this.fileName);

   if (!file.canRead())
     // try adding the media path
     file = new File(
     if (!file.canRead())
       throw new IOException(this.fileName + " could not"
       + " be opened. Check that you specified the path");

   bufferedImage =;

  * Method to write the contents of the picture to a file
  * with the passed name without throwing errors
  * @param fileName the name of the file to write the
  * picture to
  * @return true if success else false
 public boolean load(String fileName)
     try {
         return true;

     } catch (Exception ex) {
         System.out.println("There was an error trying"
                                + " to open " + fileName);
         bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(600,200,
         addMessage("Couldn't load " + fileName,5,100);
         return false;


  * Method to load the picture from the passed file name
  * this just calls load(fileName) and is for name
  * compatibility
  * @param fileName the file name to use to load the
  * picture from
  * @return true if success else false
 public boolean loadImage(String fileName)
     return load(fileName);

  * Method to draw a message as a string on the buffered
  * image
  * @param message the message to draw on the buffered
  * image
  * @param xPos  the leftmost point of the string in x
  * @param yPos  the bottom of the string in y
 public void addMessage(
                       String message, int xPos, int yPos)
   // get a graphics context to use to draw on the
   // buffered image
   Graphics2D graphics2d = bufferedImage.createGraphics();

   // set the color to white

   // set the font to Helvetica bold style and size 16
   graphics2d.setFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,16));

   // draw the message


  * Method to draw a string at the given location on the
  * picture
  * @param text the text to draw
  * @param xPos the left x for the text
  * @param yPos the top y for the text
 public void drawString(String text, int xPos, int yPos)

   * Method to create a new picture by scaling the
   * current picture by the given x and y factors
   * @param xFactor the amount to scale in x
   * @param yFactor the amount to scale in y
   * @return the resulting picture
  public Picture scale(double xFactor, double yFactor)
    // set up the scale tranform
    AffineTransform scaleTransform =
                                    new AffineTransform();

    // create a new picture object that is the right size
    Picture result = new Picture(
                           (int) (getWidth() * xFactor),
                           (int) (getHeight() * yFactor));

    // get the graphics 2d object to draw on the result
    Graphics graphics = result.getGraphics();
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics;

    // draw the current image onto the result image
    // scaled

    return result;

   * Method to create a new picture of the passed width.
   * The aspect ratio of the width and height will stay
   * the same.
   * @param width the desired width
   * @return the resulting picture
  public Picture getPictureWithWidth(int width)
    // set up the scale tranform
    double xFactor = (double) width / this.getWidth();
    Picture result = scale(xFactor,xFactor);
    return result;

   * Method to create a new picture of the passed height.
   * The aspect ratio of the width and height will stay
   * the same.
   * @param height the desired height
   * @return the resulting picture
  public Picture getPictureWithHeight(int height)
    // set up the scale tranform
    double yFactor = (double) height / this.getHeight();
    Picture result = scale(yFactor,yFactor);
    return result;

  * Method to load a picture from a file name and show it
  * in a picture frame
  * @param fileName the file name to load the picture
  * from
  * @return true if success else false
 public boolean loadPictureAndShowIt(String fileName)
   boolean result = true;// the default is that it worked

   // try to load the picture into the buffered image from
   // the file name
   result = load(fileName);

   // show the picture in a picture frame

   return result;

  * Method to write the contents of the picture to a file
  * with the passed name
  * @param fileName the name of the file to write the
  * picture to
 public void writeOrFail(String fileName)
                                        throws IOException
   //the default is current
   String extension = this.extension;

   // create the file object
   File file = new File(fileName);
   File fileLoc = file.getParentFile();

   // canWrite is true only when the file exists
   // already! (alexr)
   if (!fileLoc.canWrite()) {
       // System.err.println(
       // "can't write the file but trying anyway? ...");
        throw new IOException(fileName +
        " could not be opened. Check to see if you can"
        + " write to the directory.");

   // get the extension
   int posDot = fileName.indexOf('.');
   if (posDot >= 0)
       extension = fileName.substring(posDot + 1);

   //write the contents of the buffered image to the file
   // as jpeg
   ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, extension, file);


  * Method to write the contents of the picture to a file
  * with the passed name without throwing errors
  * @param fileName the name of the file to write the
  * picture to
  * @return true if success else false
 public boolean write(String fileName)
     try {
         return true;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
                     "There was an error trying to write "
                     + fileName);
         return false;


  * Method to set the media path by setting the directory
  * to use
  * @param directory the directory to use for the media
  * path
 public static void setMediaPath(String directory) {

  * Method to get the directory for the media
  * @param fileName the base file name to use
  * @return the full path name by appending
  * the file name to the media directory
 public static String getMediaPath(String fileName) {
   return FileChooser.getMediaPath(fileName);

   * Method to get the coordinates of the enclosing
   * rectangle after this transformation is applied to
   * the current picture
   * @return the enclosing rectangle
  public Rectangle2D getTransformEnclosingRect(
                                    AffineTransform trans)
    int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    double maxX = width - 1;
    double maxY = height - 1;
    double minX, minY;
    Point2D.Double p1 = new Point2D.Double(0,0);
    Point2D.Double p2 = new Point2D.Double(maxX,0);
    Point2D.Double p3 = new Point2D.Double(maxX,maxY);
    Point2D.Double p4 = new Point2D.Double(0,maxY);
    Point2D.Double result = new Point2D.Double(0,0);
    Rectangle2D.Double rect = null;

    // get the new points and min x and y and max x and y
    minX = result.getX();
    maxX = result.getX();
    minY = result.getY();
    maxY = result.getY();
    minX = Math.min(minX,result.getX());
    maxX = Math.max(maxX,result.getX());
    minY = Math.min(minY,result.getY());
    maxY = Math.max(maxY,result.getY());
    minX = Math.min(minX,result.getX());
    maxX = Math.max(maxX,result.getX());
    minY = Math.min(minY,result.getY());
    maxY = Math.max(maxY,result.getY());
    minX = Math.min(minX,result.getX());
    maxX = Math.max(maxX,result.getX());
    minY = Math.min(minY,result.getY());
    maxY = Math.max(maxY,result.getY());

    // create the bounding rectangle to return
    rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(
              minX,minY,maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1);
    return rect;

  * Method to return a string with information about this
  * picture
  * @return a string with information about the picture
 public String toString()
   String output =
     "Simple Picture, filename " + fileName +
     " height " + getHeight() + " width " + getWidth();
   return output;

} // end of SimplePicture class


Listing 14. Source code for Ericson's DigitalPicture interface.
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

 * Interface to describe a digital picture.  A digital
 * picture can have a associated file name.  It can have
 * a title.  It has pixels associated with it and you can
 * get and set the pixels.  You can get an Image from a
 * picture or a BufferedImage.  You can load it from a
 * file name or image.  You can show a picture.  You can 
 * create a new image for it.
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
 * @author Barb Ericson
public interface DigitalPicture 
 // get the file name that the picture came from  
 public String getFileName(); 
 // get the title of the picture 
 public String getTitle(); 

 // set the title of the picture
 public void setTitle(String title); 

 // get the width of the picture in pixels
 public int getWidth(); 

 // get the height of the picture in pixels
 public int getHeight(); 

 // get the image from the picture
 public Image getImage(); 

 // get the buffered image
 public BufferedImage getBufferedImage(); 

 // get the pixel information as an int   
 public int getBasicPixel(int x, int y); 

 // set the pixel information
 public void setBasicPixel(int x, int y, int rgb); 

 // get the pixel information as an object
 public Pixel getPixel(int x, int y); 

 // load the image into the picture
 public void load(Image image); 

 // load the picture from a file
 public boolean load(String fileName); 

 // show the picture 
 public void show(); 


Listing 15. Source code for Ericson's PictureFrame class.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

 * Class that holds a digital picture and displays it.
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
 * @author Barb Ericson
public class PictureFrame

  ////////////////// fields ////////////////////////////

   * Main window used as the frame
  JFrame frame = new JFrame();

   * ImageIcon used to display the picture in the label
  ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon();

   * Label used to display the picture
  private JLabel label = new JLabel(imageIcon);

   * Digital Picture to display
  private DigitalPicture picture;

  ///////////////// constructors ////////////////////////

   * A constructor that takes no arguments.  This is
   * needed for subclasses of this class
  public PictureFrame()
    // set up the frame

   * A constructor that takes a picture to display
   * @param picture  the digital picture to display in the
   * picture frame
  public PictureFrame(DigitalPicture picture)
    // set the current object's picture to the passed in
    // picture
    this.picture = picture;

    // set up the frame

  ///////////////////////// methods //////////////////////

   * Method to set the picture to show in this picture
   * frame
   * @param picture the new picture to use
  public void setPicture(Picture picture)
    this.picture = picture;

   * A method to update the picture frame image with the
   * image in the picture
  public void updateImage()
    // only do this if there is a picture
    if (picture != null)
      // set the image for the image icon from the picture

      // set the title of the frame to the title of the
      // picture


   * A method to update the picture frame image with the
   * image in the picture and show it
  public void updateImageAndShowIt()
    // first update the image

    // now make sure it is shown

   * A method to make sure the frame is displayed
  public void displayImage()

   * A method to hide the frame
  public void hide()

   * A method to set the visible flag on the frame
   * @param flag the flag to use
  public void setVisible(boolean flag)

   * A method to close a picture frame
  public void close()

   * Method to set the title for the picture frame
   * @param title the title to use
  public void setTitle(String title)

   * Method to force the picture frame to repaint (redraw)
  public void repaint()

    // make it visible

    // update the image from the picture

    // tell the JFrame to handle the repaint

   * A method to initialize the picture frame
  private void initFrame()

    // set the image for the picture frame

    // add the label to the frame

    // pack the frame (set the size to as big as it needs
    // to be)

    // make the frame visible



Listing 16. Source code for the program named Java356a.
/*Program Java356a
Copyright R.G.Baldwin 2009

The purpose of this program is to illustrate one way to 
take a photograph of a physical object and then 
superimpose it on another photograph.

A desk chair was placed in front of a bookcase. A blue 
sheet was hung on the bookcase to provide a relatively 
solid color background. A green towel was placed on the 
chair to hide the texture in the upholstry. A digital 
photograph of the chair was taken. Then a stuffed tiger 
was placed on the back of the chair and another digital 
photograph was taken.

Picture objects were instantiated from each of the 
photographs. Another Picture object was instantiated from 
an image file showing a beach scene with the same
dimensions. A fourth Picture object was instantiated with 
the same dimensions and an all-white image.

Methods of the SimplePicture class and the Pixel class 
were used in a pair of nested for loops to compare the 
color distance between corresponding pixels in the two 
photographs to within a specified tolerance. When the 
color distance between the two pixels exceeded a specified
threshold, the color of the pixel from the photograph
containing the tiger was copied to the all-white Picture 
object, replacing a white pixel. Otherwise, the color of 
the pixel from the beach image was copied to the all-white
Picture object.

The results were moderately good. However, lighting is 
critical and I didn't do anything special to control the 
lighting. As a result, a shadow of the tiger that was
barely noticeable on the blue sheet is very noticeable in 
the final product.

Note:  The idea for this program came directly from the 
book titled Introduction to Computing and Programming with
Java: A Multimedia Approach by Guzdial and Ericson. 

Tested using Windows Vista Premium Home edition and
Ericson's multimedia library.
import java.awt.Color;
public class Main{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    new Runner().run();
  }//end main method
}//end class Main

class Runner{
  void run(){
    //Construct three new 341x256 Picture objects by
    // providing the names of image files as parameters
    // to the Pictue constructor.
    Picture pic1 = new Picture("ScaledBeach.jpg");
    Picture pic2 = new Picture("WithTiger.jpg");
    Picture pic3 = new Picture("WithoutTiger.jpg");
    //Construct an all-white 341x256 Picture object.
    Picture pic4 = new Picture(341,256);
    //Display all three Picture objects in the show
    // format.;;;

    //Replace pixel colors in the all-white Picture object
    // with the colors from either the beach image or the 
    // tiger image.
    Pixel pixA;
    Pixel pixB;
    Pixel pixC;
    Pixel pixD;
    for(int row = 0;row < pic1.getHeight() - 1;row++){
      for(int col = 0;col < pic1.getWidth() - 1;col++){
        pixA = pic1.getPixel(col,row);
        pixB = pic2.getPixel(col,row);
        pixC = pic3.getPixel(col,row);
        pixD = pic4.getPixel(col,row);

        if(pixB.colorDistance(pixC.getColor()) > 50){
          //Replace white pixel with the pixel color from 
          // the tiger image.
          //Replace the white pixel with pixel color from 
          // the beach image.
        }//end else
      }//end inner for loop
    }//end outer for loop

    //Display the final product using the show format.
    pic4.setTitle("Tiger on beach scene");;
  }//end run
}//end class Runner



Copyright 2009, Richard G. Baldwin.  Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission from Richard Baldwin is prohibited.

About the author

Richard Baldwin is a college professor (at Austin Community College in Austin, TX) and private consultant whose primary focus is object-oriented programming using Java and other OOP languages.

Richard has participated in numerous consulting projects and he frequently provides onsite training at the high-tech companies located in and around Austin, Texas.  He is the author of Baldwin's Programming Tutorials, which have gained a worldwide following among experienced and aspiring programmers. He has also published articles in JavaPro magazine.

In addition to his programming expertise, Richard has many years of practical experience in Digital Signal Processing (DSP).  His first job after he earned his Bachelor's degree was doing DSP in the Seismic Research Department of Texas Instruments.  (TI is still a world leader in DSP.)  In the following years, he applied his programming and DSP expertise to other interesting areas including sonar and underwater acoustics.

Richard holds an MSEE degree from Southern Methodist University and has many years of experience in the application of computer technology to real-world problems.
